Old infrastructure


aianalytics nodes

OpenStack environment variables set for Project = 'ATLAS Services Analytics'

Node Location
aianalytics01 cern-geneva-b
aianalytics03 cern-geneva-b
aianalytics10 cern-geneva-a
aianalytics12 cern-wigner-a
aianalytics13 cern-wigner-a
aianalytics14 cern-geneva-c
aianalytics15 cern-geneva-c
aianalytics16 cern-geneva-a

aiatlas013 | cern-wigner-b aiatlas025 | cern-wigner-b


adcmusr3 is a fax monitoring account running things on aiatlas114.cern.ch aflume - service account

New infrastructure

The new infrastructure is based on OpenStack project "ATLAS AnalyticsSvc". It has five m2.medium nodes.

Kubernetes cluster

All the nodes are under "analytics" kubernetes cluster based on kubernetes-preview template. One node is a master and 4 nodes are minions. The cluster is monitored using Heapster which sends data to ES at UC. Dashboard showing its data is here.

Using your private kubernetes cluster for analytics

While there is not much documentation the procedure is straightforward. Here the basics:


Name Login Email
ATLAS analytics service analyticssvc analytics.service@cern.ch
ATLAS analytics analytics atlas.analytics@cern.ch


To be moved from the old infrastructure FTS - old one to be removed (acrontab) PerfSONAR - old ones running on aianalytics10.

Already running on new infrastructure: BOINC, BOINC-dev Job, Task, Enrichment collectors FTS DDM accounting * xAOD